With Just a Week to Go, Ryan Hurst Joins Us!
October 19, 2021
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We’re happy to announce the one and only RYAN HURST will be joining us at Spooky Empire next weekend!
Actor RYAN HURST is best known for portraying “Opie” in the hit series “Sons of Anarchy”, but has also had major parts in other series and films including “Remember the TItans” (Gerry), “Outsiders” (Li’l Foster Farrell), “Bates Motel” (Chick Hogan), “The Walking Dead” (Beta), plus “Bosch”, “The Lady Killers”, “CBGB”, “Medium”, “Saving Private Ryan”, “Taken”, “Wanted” and more recently “Paradise City”.
Please welcome RYAN HURST October 22-24, 2021 at the Hyatt Regency Orlando.
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